We are happy to announce that for The Brain 8 we are working together and with a selection of litho prints by the french artist Michel Granger. link1 link2
This year we are embrassing the theme of sustainability and harmony. For the creation of 5mins VR experience we’re bringing 5 interdisciplinary artists in Berlin together. The residence will take place at transmediale studio at silent green.
Ines Hilz, VR and AR developer, Unity developer link
Jalil Daif, 3D artist, Unity generalist. link
Mattias Larsen, Music and sound design, field recordings. link
Audrey Belaud, Narrative Designer. link
Marie Urban, Perfumer. link
Curated is the brain 8 by Thorsten S. Wiedemann.
The Brain 8 starts on October 10 and it runs until October 24.
October 14, 7pm we will have a public night with presentations of the artists and some drinks.
Initiated by Institut francais Allemagne- Bureau du cinéma et des médias and A MAZE., supported by Service pour la science et la technologie- Ambassade de France, BDAP. Institut français Allemagne, Institut français Suede, Urban Scent, Creative Europe Media Desk BerlinBrandenburg.
Invitation to Midissage of The Brain 8 - Wednesday Oct. 19, 7pm Transmediale Studio at silent green.
The Brain – Playful Media Residency is physically back. Since 2015 we are annually bringing artist from different art fields together to create playful works in a duration of 2 weeks in Berlin or online.
This year we are celebrating the 8th edition with our four selected artists Audrey Belaud, Jalil Daif, Ines Hilz and Mattias Larsen to create a virtual reality experience along a selection of works form the French artist Michel Granger. The vr experience will also be supported by an olfactive path created by the perfumer Marie Urban.
“Part of the interactive experience is to reveal the backland in Michel Granger’s works the and discover the balance we have to care to sustain between nature and civilization. This artist in residency is about this harmony of different worlds where respectfully and engaging digital artists meet the analog artist to create an art-piece together“, Thorsten S. Wiedemann, artistic director of A MAZE.
We like to invite you to the midissage of The Brain 8 to meet the artists and playtest their fresh developed vr experience featuring Michel Grangers works.
All artists including Michel Granger himself will be present on October 19, 2022 at 7pm at Transmediale Studio at Silent Green.